Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas From Thailand!!

We've spent other Christmases at the beach, but we've never spent a Christmas 12 hours ahead of everyone else. For those of you yet to experience Christmas, it's pretty great over here. It's turning into a beautiful day, and the weather's perfect for a dip in the ocean or working on your tan (read: sunburn).

So a week has already flown by and we've managed to post nothing. That's not because we have nothing to say, it's because we've been spending our time trying to experience this place that we're in, and generally adjusting to a life where Internet isn't ever-present. We spent the first few days in Phuket, and were totally overwhelmed by the sights and sounds and smells of the place. Not just because Patong Beach is dripping with sleaze, but also because we are, um, in a totally different country. We came to Ko Lanta a few days ago, and life here couldn't be more different than what we experienced in Phuket. Lanta Island, as it is also known, is a place of hippies and wood shacks. Beer is $2 for a large bottle, and you can eat lunch and dinner for less than $10. The food is amazing and the people are friendly and helpful. Basically, it's an easy life. It feels a lot like a Christmas present, in fact. We like it so much that we're thinking of skipping out on Ko Samui and staying here instead. Lanta is the kind of place that inspires that sort of lazing about. And after the 16 months we've had, we deserve some lazing about.

So for all of you out there who are using today as your one break from your very hectic lives, enjoy it! Take the relaxation for everything it's worth. Imagine yourself on a beach somewhere, Chang beer in hand, listening to the calm waves of the Andaman Sea. And if you can get yourself all the way there in your imagination, turn around and wave hello to us, because we're at the next beach mat, trying to decide whether we want noodles or rice for lunch.

Happy Christmas everyone!

Matt and Lizzi

christmas in thailand


Unknown said...

Nice view and I like your tree, especially the beer-bottle ornaments, very classsy!! Happy to hear from you guys.
What did you mean by the "sleaze"? Of course, that got my interest.

Amanda said...

We'll be thinking of you two even more than usual today as we're headed to Nanny's to meet up with the Weyants Sr. for dinner. Thailand looks warm and lovely - the exact opposite of Hollidaysburg!

Katy. said...

Merry Christmas, you guys! I got warm weather for the holidays, but not the beach or the beer. You win. :)